Termite Treatment

Comprehensive Termite Treatment in Bundaberg, QLD


Long-lasting solutions to safeguard your timber structures for years to come. 


Expert Termite Control & Elimination Solutions

Knowing the Different Active Termite Treatments When It Counts

Wood is a natural material containing cellulose, a food source for termites, which is susceptible to attack by wood-boring insects, such as termites and beetles. Control and elimination are both necessary treatments in which systems and exclusive products are used to protect timber house frames, structural timber components such as laminated beams, roof trusses and internal skirtings and mouldings from being damaged. Experience in the field of termite infestation, including active termite treatments, involves using the best chemicals available. This allows professionals to guarantee treatments in and around your home, including external patios and pergolas.


Proven Solutions to Eradicate Termites

Knowing the Different Active Termite Treatments When It Counts

There are many different types of termite management systems available on the market to eradicate termites. Not all of them are effective or are very costly and involve regular visits by a pest technician to monitor activity.

Termites are generally found upon having your annual termite inspection. If this is the case, our technicians will dust all active termites with a registered termiticide. This will slow down the foraging process of termites and allow what we call a transfer of chemicals to all active termites within the infested area. The dusting process is generally applied in wall cavities, termite-damaged skirting boards, door jams, and window reveals and is taped up to ensure termites are not disturbed and go back to the nest. This is important to allow time for the dusting application to take effect.


Comprehensive Termite Treatment Plans

Our technician will cover some options relating to chemical liquid termiticides we use to treat the perimeter of the structure and subfloor areas, including house stumps if a suspended timber floor is being constructed. SureSafe PEST MANAGEMENT uses new technology chemical termiticides, which are very effective and will last up to 8 years in ideal conditions. We will give you an obligation-free quote for your consideration and cover all aspects of the treatment process to ensure you fully understand what we are doing and the reasons for our recommendation.

After accepting our quote, we will work out a suitable time to carry out the termite treatment and may make some recommendations, such as the removal of foliage from around the perimeter of the dwelling or lower garden beds or finished ground levels below damp coarse. Our recommendations are to assist you with taking a proactive approach to ensure we both can eliminate further infestations after your chemical termiticide barrier has been installed.


Ensuring Complete Termite Eradication Before Repairs

In the event of your home sustaining damage to timber components, it is important to wait for 6 to 8 weeks before repairing termite-damaged areas. Again, this period of time will allow your chemical barrier system to work with the transfer of chemicals from active termites to the nest, which is generally underground. Our Technician will carry out a further inspection between 6 to 8 weeks after the initial treatment to confirm all active termites have been eradicated. From this point, you are able to carry out rectification work to restore your home to its original state.

Maintain Your Termite Barrier

It’s important not to disturb soil-treated areas as the chemical molecules bond to the soil around the perimeter of the dwelling, creating a complete termite barrier protecting your home for up to 8 years. SureSafe PEST MANAGEMENT will send annual reminder letters to ensure you continue to have your annual termite inspection.

Protect your property from termites with SureSafe PEST MANAGEMENT.

Call 07 4151 4995 today for a free quote and expert termite control solutions.

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